Red Faction: Armageddon – Alle Erfolge und Achievements enthüllt
Noch bis Mai müssen wir warten, dann heißt es wieder Waffe schultern und auf zum Mars. Denn dann erscheint Red Faction: Armageddon für PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 und den PC. Doch schon heute können wir euch eine Liste aller Achievements präsentieren, die es in dem Shooter zu sammeln gilt.
Die Kollegen von haben bereits einen Blick auf die Liste der Achievements erhaschen können. Auch in Red Faction: Armageddon gibt es wieder diverse Missions-Achievements, aber auch einige Sammel-Erfolge sowie Achievements für Waffennutzung. Sogar ein geheimer Erfolg will von euch endteckt und erfüllt werden.
Red Faction: Armageddon ist der dritte Teil des Mars-Shooters. Die Story ist einige Jahre nach den Handlungen aus dem zweiten Teil Guerrilla angesiedelt und ihr schlüpft in dem neuesten Ableger in die Haut von Darius, einem der wenigen Überlebenden auf dem Mars.
Force of Attraction (10 G)
Fire an enemy into another enemy with the Magnet Gun.
Personal Space (15 G)
Send an enemy at least 30 meters with Impact.
Awakened to a Nightmare (10 G)
Make it back to civilisation.
One Ring to Rule Them (15 G)
Buy out any one upgrade ring.
Access Granted (15 G)
Destroy the Marauder Scout Walker.
Into the Breach (10 G)
Remove the Seal.
Vanguard (15 G)
Escort the convoy.
Scavenger (15 G)
Collect all of the Power Cells.
A New Plan of Attack (10 G)
Find out how to reach the lair.
Descent into Mars (15 G)
Safely escort Winter through the depths.
Wrecking Crew (15 G)
Travel to the Marauder homelands.
Showdown (20 G)
Defeat the Widowmaker.
Sabotage (15 G)
Destroy the Jamming Devices.
Proving Grounds (15 G)
Defend the Red Faction.
Survival of the Fittest (15 G)
Make it to the surface.
Bring it Down (20 G)
Destroy the Water Filtration Plant.
The Lake of Fire (15 G)
Open up the secret entrance.
The Road’s End (15 G)
Make it through to the lair.
Vengeance (20 G)
Defeat the source of it all.
For Mars (35 G)
Finish the Single Player game on Hard Difficulty.
Coming Through (10 G)
Kill 5 enemies with one L.E.O. shoulder bash.
Blood on the Windshield (15 G)
Ram 5 enemies with the ‚Marauder Flyer‘.
Predator and Prey (10 G)
Kill 50 enemies while in the L.E.O. exosceleton.
The Sudden Stop at the End (10 G)
Kill 5 enemies in one shot with Impact.
Zero G War (20 G)
Kill 50 Shockwaved enemies before they hit the ground.
Make it Rain (10 G)
Kill 6 enemies in one use of Shockwave.
Maxed Out (50 G)
Buy every upgrade.
Scrapper (30 G)
Gather 10,000 total salvage.
Up Close and Personal (15 G)
Get 30 melee kills with the Widowmaker.
Unstoppable (15 G)
Get 100 kills while in the Marauder Scout Walker.
A Keen Eye (15 G)
Find 20 piles of salvage.
Lock and Load (20 G)
Keep Beserk active for at least 21 seconds in one use.
Mr. Fix-It (0 G)
Repair X amount of damage.
Playing Catch (30 G)
Use the Magnet Gun to send flying debris BACK to a ‚tentacle beast‘.
Sledgehammer Sampler (30 G)
Kill one each of Creeper, Ravager, Wraith, Berserker, and Behemoth with the Sledgehammer.
Going for Distance (10 G)
Send an enemy at least 50 meters with the Magnet Gun.
What is Best in Life? (10 G)
Perform melee finishers on 50 creepers.
Timing is Everything (15 G)
Kill an enemy with an exploding Berserker.
No Escape! (15 G)
Kill a Wraith before it re-stealths.
Let the Games Begin (20 G)
Buy a Cheat.
Forever (50 G)
Finish the Single Player game on Insane Difficulty.
Arround the World (15 G)
Complete at least one wave on each map, during online play..
Wave Runner 10 (25 G)
Complete waves 1 through 10 on any map, during online play.
Wave Runner 20 (50 G)
Complete waves 1 through 20 on any map, during online play.
Wave Runner 30 (75 G)
Complete waves 1 through 30 on any map, during online play.
Army of Four (30 G)
Complete a wave beyond wave 9 without any players bleeding out, during online play.
Field Surgeon (15 G)
Pervorm Revival 25 times during online play.
Reflect on This (20 G)
Make en enemy kill themself while shooting at your Shell.
Quick Draw (30 G)
Kill 25 enemies emerging from ‚Monster Closets‘ before they can leap away.